Writer Bonnard Lawson




On 5 June 2015, the Swiss federal government submitted the so-called 3rd Corporate Tax Reform Law to Parliament. The law proposes new corporate tax regimes as an alternative to the existing cantonal tax privileges.

With the new law proposal, the Swiss Federal Council has again confirmed that it intends to keep the many multinational enterprises already present in Switzerland and to attract new companies as well. Even better, Switzerland is using the required changes to improve its general tax system and to make the benefits thereof accessible to all economic actors, including those who currently do not qualify for privileged taxation. When the new regimes come into force, i.e. most likely by 2019, all Swiss companies (whether international or domestic) can benefit from tax systems and from tax rates that are by all means very attractive and competitive in a European, on-shore context.

We advise our clients on these developments and how to best prepare for the upcoming changes. If you have any questions about the Reform or about Swiss taxation in general, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Thierry Boitelle boitelle[at]ilf.ch
Aliasghar Kanani kanani[at]ilf.ch

Download this newsletter in PDF 3rd Swiss Corporate Tax Reform Update 5 June 2015